
Verna Gates is acknowledged for her Expertise, Humor & Creativity.

Verna Gates: Storytelling

The biggest liar in Alabama for two consecutive years knows a good story when she tells one. Verna captures the attention of even the most unruly youngster (or adult) with her vivid, exciting stories. She is member of the National Story League. Verna is a nationally recognized folklorist and wildflower speaker, and has delivered hundreds of speaking engagements. The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute often calls Verna to tell stories to local school children.

Verna's lectures frequently range from the subject of wildflowers to humor filled programs compete with Southern tall tales and squeaky clean jokes. She has been featured on NBC Nightside and CNBC National Radio in Canada and Worldwide Television Network, Voice of America, Pulse of the Planet, to name just a few. Verna is ready to weave some of these magical stories at your next event.

Is your organization interested in any of Verna's programs? Please call 205.540.6642 or send an e-mail to and she will contact you promptly to discuss scheduling an appearance.

Copyright © 2012 Verna Gates